Boudoir Betty

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Is Confidence All You Really Need to Be Beautiful?

Amy’s Schumer’s reverse body dysmorphia in I Feel Pretty

The movie caught a lot of criticism because its star may not be up Hollywood’s glam standards, but she’s attractive, blonde, and her body type is still much smaller than the average woman.  Many felt that Amy Schumer had been miscast; they should have cast someone who was uglier and fatter in order for the audience to relate. 

There were critics saying that the movie should have examined the unrealistic standards upheld by the beauty industry but this movie is a rom-com, not a documentary. Comedy is meant to be lighthearted, and is oftentimes offensive and stereotypical.  Shakespeare used stereotypes and his comedy is timeless. 

Mostly, I think the critics missed the point of the movie completely, which is that a high self-esteem is far more important than your looks.

I think we can all relate to that moment that Amy's character, Renee, looks in the mirror and feels like just isn't good enough. It's amazing that  when we are children, it's perfectly acceptable to have a belly yet so quickly do we learn to hate ourselves. 

Renee manages to fall in love with her body in spite of society’s narrow standards.  And once she does, she feels so free.  Her newfound confidence enables to her take on risks and new experiences that she otherwise never would have.  

People respond more positively to you when you feel more confident and positive about yourself.  When you feel like you are worth it, other people believe it too.  You are more than your insecurities.

And you don’t have to fall down and hit your head to feel beautiful.  A boudoir session is a much more positive, and healthy way to feel better about yourself. 

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