When Your Partner Says "No" to Boudoir Photos


Sometimes partners are outright adamant about a significant other doing a boudoir session. Most times, it is centered around their own insecurity and projecting it onto their partner. 

These partners fail to understand that boudoir is more than just a sexy photo. It’s about celebrating you, and where you are at right now.  Your partner should be celebrating with you. 

Sometimes, this attitude is limited to just your partner feeling a little jealous that someone other than them is seeing you in such an intimate manner, and they are generally supportive in other areas of your life.  

However, extreme jealous or anger may point to deeper issues within the relationship. Are they controlling, suspicious? Or do they ignore you, insult you, or just not communicate with you in general?  

You know whether your relationship is healthy or not.  You just need to weigh whether it’s worth staying or going.  

Boudoir photos are usually symbolic for women in many ways, and it can be so hurtful when the person we love, and oftentimes take the photos for, reacts poorly.  It can feel like they are rejecting you.  


It’s important for jealous partners to understand what boudoir photos actually represent to their significant other.  We grow up in a society that encourages women to be self-critical; the constant barrage of a beauty ideal that most of us fail to live up to strips us of our confidence.  Instead of teaching little girls to love themselves and their bodies, we are subjected to constant messages that we are less than, or not good enough. 

Boudoir photos allow women to see themselves in a new, loving, and positive light.  It’s self-love, empowering, and healthy for her to see how beautiful she really is. Self-confidence matters because when we are confident, we have less fear and anxiety. We feel more motivated to accomplish new goals, and have better coping skills against failure. 

A more confident partner often translates to better relationships because she’s not worried about what other people think of her.  She can genuinely engage with others, and be more empathetic.  And isn’t that what partners should be celebrating with their significant other?

Contact Me now and take the first step to feeling more powerful, confident, and gorgeous!