8 Myths About Boudoir Photography

I need to lose weight first.  This couldn’t be further from the truth.  I always say that I can do with more lighting and posing than you can with six months at the gym. 

We may get thinner but we’re not getting younger. 

I Don’t Wear Lingerie and/or I Don’t Want to Get Naked.  You don’t have to be naked or wear lingerie.  I know how to shape light to conceal as well as reveal. See my POST on alternatives to lingerie for non-lingerie ideas. 


Boudoir is Porn.  Porn objectifies and demeans its subject; it’s explicit in nature.  Boudoir photography captures your beauty in a sensual and tasteful manner.  It’s about making the subject look and feel incredible.


Boudoir is only for young women.  Boudoir is for every BODY and every AGE.  One of my clients gets new photos done every year to honor herself.   I’ve had clients from age 19-65!

Boudoir photography is a One-Time Experience.  False.  The confidence boost can be addictive.  I have many repeat clients, and they often come back for different reasons:  birthdays, bridal boudoir, anniversaries, and even maternity.

Boudoir photography is Only for Those Who Have a Partner:  Wrong again.  Many clients come in to celebrate weight loss, birthdays, breast cancer recovery, or just to have beautiful photos to capture them at their current age and weight.

You Need to Look Like a Model.  Nope.  You don’t need to look like, or pose like a professional model.  It’s my job to guide you into the right poses, choose the right lighting, and give you the same editing and post-production that models get.

Getting Photographed by a Stranger is Scary.  I promise you that I’m furthest thing from scary.  I’m a little goofy, but it is always my primary goal to make you feel comfortable.  We’ll chat before your session so I can get to know you a little better, and I provide an all-female environment. 

It seems that most of these myths are rooted in fear.  Have you ever noticed that when you say  “yes” to new experiences that good things happen?

I just opened a new studio and I’m celebrating with a limited number of boudoir sessions for $99. Book yours below!