Poses That Will Inspire You to Get Naked

I’ve always assured clients that you don’t have to get naked if you don’t want to. There’s no pressure. After all, you’re the one paying me. But I think these poses will inspire you to want to do so.

My shower set is always one of my most popular sets. Some clients will rock a white shirt or colored panties, while others prefer total or partial nudity.

You can always be nude, or at least appear nude, under a white sheet.

Bodyscapes, or Nudescapes, as they’re sometimes called are perfect example of nudity done right. Light and shadow are used to highlight certain areas and hide others.

Who needs a bra when you have a sexy leather jacket?

Just because you’re topless doesn’t mean you have to show boob!

Tattoos are an excellent reason to go nude.

Clean and classy…

It doesn’t always have to be a white sheet. Red Satin is silky and full of sex appeal.